Smart Insurance is associated with the first independent insurance price searching provider in the UK which has been serving UK consumers since 2011, that solely works on customer’s side for price hunting and do not work as agent or broker of any insurer and do not engage in any regulatory activities (as described by FCA) in terms of insurance price searching work.
Car Insurance Tailored Quote and Renewal Check Service:
We specialise in private car insurance price searching in most case we find cheapest car insurance quote in UK. Since 2011 we have been loved by our customers as we work on customer’s side only and not restricted by any insurer’s terms as appointed agent or broker. Through our expert help customer finds a lot cheaper price than what they find themselves direct.
In accordance with consumer rights act 2015, UK consumer has right to appoint any individual or company for expert price searching work to save them with money and time. When requested by customer, we search into a deeper field of scope in terms of insurance price (quotation) hunting which may include checking nearly all comparison sites and brokers available in the whole of market for UK consumers. We carry out our work based on the information customers provide us in accordance with Data Protection Act/GDPR 2018 and any payment information is protected with PCI DSS compliance. Based on the details given, we can provide you a Tailored Quote. We cannot make any alternations to the insurance policy itself but we can work to find the type of policy that fits your requirement; we can look into your current situation and the conditions you are currently residing in. With the given information we manually search into a deeper field of scope, to find insurance suited to your lifestyle. For car insurance price searching , as we do not take any commission or fee from the insurer, our customer gets assurance that we are not commission biased and work for customer ‘s side only. To keep us running, customer pays us a service charge for our price searching work. Our delivered price includes our service charge with no hidden extras from our side. With our price searching work, the quote we provide is the best we can find, free and no obligatory, customers only buy if they are happy with the total delivered price (quotation).
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide our customers with the highest level of quality services. We pledge to establish lasting relationships with our clients by exceeding their expectations and gaining their trust through exceptional performance.
Our Clients
Our clients count on our dependability, our drive, and our integrity and we take great pride in our accomplishments and build on them every day.